Jay Henslee
You can reach him at [email protected].

James Saba

Jacole Kitchen

Alyssa Austin

Kandace Crystal

Ron Tov

Sandra L. Simmons

D. Candis Paule

Doug Friedman

Melissa Jordan Grey
While her technology spans decades, Melissa considers herself an artist foremost. As a writer and playwright, she is a two-time winner of the International Memoir Writer’s Association’s Showcase and has pieces featured in the anthology, Shaking the Tree.
A skilled composer and musician, Melissa crafted the musical score for the Atlanta Olympic Games and has since released two singer-songwriter albums, Delayed Gratification and Retrofusion. She’s an aficionado of musical improv and has performed as part of Minor Suspension at Finest City Improv here in San Diego.
Dedicated to social change, Melissa established WOW, now a ten year, Qualcomm-supported initiative aimed at uplifting high school girls in the STEM fields. WOW currently boasts chapters nationally, and continues to actively promote opportunities in technology.
Melissa serves on the of the International Radio and Television Society Foundation in New York and is thrilled to join the SD PAL board, as well.

Gina M. Jackson

Jena Joyce

Anthony Zelig

Suzanne Abercrombie

Wendy Farris

Christian St. Croix
You can reach him at [email protected].
Frank Alessi, former CFO Centre Center Development Corporation (CCDC)
Jack Berkman, President & CEO Berkman Strategic Communications
Barbara Bry, Chief Operating Officer, Blackbird Ventures
Dale Ganzow, San Diego Business Journal, Advertising Manager
Sal Giametta, Chair Library Commission and Former V.P. Public Affairs & Communications CONVIS
Pat JaCoby, former SDPAL President
Judy McDonald, former SDPAL President & The Parker Foundation President
Toni Robin, TR/PR Public Relations, former SDPAL staff member
William Virchis, CEO Virco Enterprises, former SDPAL Board member
Dal Watkins, Retired CONVIS president
Alan Ziter, First Executive Director of SDPAL, Executive Director NTC Foundation